Welcome to stuntrigging.org
Please check out the sample content pages to see what Stuntrigging.org has to offer. This is a sample of how the pages are laid out in the members area. Each category has links, videos, photographs and the written descriptions of each subject in fine detail.
You’ll find at the end of each page I have connected links to books which I think you might find handy to read. It is important to remember, that stuntrigging.org is not just about rigging, it’s about finding a path and a way of doing things.
It would be unfair of me to only show you what is involved with stunt rigging. It’s the whole package, the way you think, the way you work with others, it is about creating the best you possible. By becoming a member of Stuntrigging.org you are showing a drive and determination to learn and excel at becoming not only knowledgeable with stunt rigging but you will at the same time be gaining insight into the way you think and do things. You will also, be part of a community that is improving globally the overall safety standards to the art of stunt rigging.
Thank you for tuning in…. to see the members content Link the link below:

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